Whether you’ve just brought new life into the world and are reading this through the bleary eyes of sleep-deprivation, or you’re excitedly anticipating the arrival of a new tiny family member, congratulations! Carving out the time to document and recognize this transition is one of the best things you can do. As a photographer, it's my job to support you in any way I can. In this blog post, I’ll share some tips on how to prepare for your in-home newborn photo session, so that you can relax, love on your babe and enjoy the experience.

newborn baby with brown hair looking at their sibling; photo is taken from above their heads looking down
mom holding and breastfeeding her newborn baby while sitting on her bed
portrait of a newborn baby with brown hair and blue eyes looking up at her mother
newborn baby with brown hair rubbing their face and falling asleep on a bed

1. Choose the "Right" Time

Weeks one to three of your little's new life are ideal for a newborn session as they are still in the that sleepy post- birth haze. Anywhere between the four to eight week mark, baby goes through a BIG developmental leap, and are much too occupied with their changing world to have their photos taken (rightfully so). Newborn sessions typically take place around 9:00- 11:00AM, as newborns are typically most relaxed around this time of day. But you know your baby best! 

2. Dress Baby in Something Simple

I recommend dressing baby in a simple white or cream onesie that is form fitting with no graphics or words. If you don't have any, no worries, I always bring some with me! I will likely take it off at some point to get some nude or near nude newborn photos as well. Your newborn is perfect just the way they are, and I want to make sure they are the focus, along with your love for them.

3. Create a Vibe

Music can be a game-changer and can help get everyone out of their shell. If you don't already have one, I suggest creating a playlist that best represents your family. These may be songs that are relaxing and calming, or songs that you all love to dance to. Our shoot will go through an ebb-and-flow of emotions (calm, intimate, joyful), so your playlist should do the same. 

4. Listen to Baby

We are on baby's schedule! Your baby is still trying to figure out where they are and what they’re doing in this big bright world. They may get a little overwhelmed and need a bit of extra loving. Feed baby when they're hungry, cuddle them when they need a bit of reassurance. Just know that I will very likely continue shooting during those moments. This is all part of it! 

5. Embrace the Mess

You are probably thrilled and exhausted, and experiencing the highest highs and perhaps some of the lowest lows. Having a new baby, regardless of whether

or not it is your first, is hard and wonderful all at the same time. My job is not to make this time in your life look perfect, because let's face it, it's not. My job is to show you just how beautiful it is, sleepless nights and all. You don't need to be anything but yourselves. 

newborn baby with brown hair and a soother falling asleep on a bed surrounded by her parents
newborn baby with brown hair cuddling on the bed with her big brother; they are both smiling at each other
mother breastfeeding her newborn baby; baby has fluffy brown hair and sunlight is coming in from behind them
mother breastfeeding her newborn baby; baby has fluffy brown hair and sunlight is coming in from behind them
mother breastfeeding her newborn baby; baby has fluffy brown hair and is being comforted by mother and father
mother breastfeeding her newborn baby; baby has fluffy brown hair and is being comforted by mother and father
mother breastfeeding her newborn baby; baby has fluffy brown hair and is being comforted by mother and father
close-up photo of a father holding the feet of his newborn baby; you can see the details in the baby's tiny toes
newborn baby with brown hair and blue eyes laying on a bed looking out a window
newborn baby with brown hair cuddling on the bed with her big brother; brother is leaning down to give baby a kiss
newborn baby cuddling on the bed with big brother and big sister; brother is leaning down to give baby a kiss
green plants sitting on a dresser and being drenched in warm sunlight
mother breastfeeding her newborn baby; baby has fluffy brown hair and sunlight is coming in from the side
mother breastfeeding her newborn baby; baby has fluffy brown hair and sunlight is coming in from the side
mother breastfeeding her newborn baby; baby has fluffy brown hair and sunlight is coming in from the side

I'm a mama to two rambunctious boys under three, a lover of early mornings, light in any of its forms, bonfires (I wish I could forever smell like one), and cats (don't worry I love dogs too). I value moments that are real and vulnerable: the way the light enters your home while the kiddos are still asleep; the energetic screams at a child's birthday party; the way your newborn nuzzles into your chest while the toddler runs circles around you. I specialize in intimate family, maternity and newborn sessions. This is my jam, my bread and butter, my absolute passion.